Request a Workshop

The Office of Diversity and Inclusion offers educational workshops to the Maryville campus community* on topics related to diversity, inclusion, equity, leadership and student success.

Please include as much detail as possible in this Workshop Request Form and submit it with as much advance notice as possible, as last-minute requests can be difficult to accommodate.

*Workshop requests from off-campus organizations will be considered, though availability may be restricted, and will only be presented for a fee.

Professional Staff Workshop Request Form
Workshop Information
Select a specific workshop
What kind of service are you looking for?

We want to ensure that we are being inclusive as possible. Do you know if anyone in your group has a disability?
*We will work to accommodate your request but we prefer at least a 2-month advance notice for scheduling.
Has your group had a workshop from us before?

Thank you for your request! We will verify that we can provide your workshop only once we have had a conversation to review your request, and have confirmed a facilitators’ availability. Should you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Office of Diversity and Inclusion at We will be in touch with you as soon as possible.